NOTE: The instructions below are outdated and are only provided for reference purposes. The code snapshots produced for the NANOG 60 presentation are pre-releases and will not interoperate with current versions.

A "NANOG edition" of dnstap was produced for the NANOG 60 presentation. It consists of a patched Unbound 1.4.21 server, the dnstap command-line tool, and the necessary dependencies.

The NANOG 60 tarball snapshots and related files can be downloaded here.


If compiling everything from source, build environments for the C, C++, and Go programming languages will be required.

The pkg-config utility is required.

The Go binary distribution from should be used, unless your OS includes a recent (Go 1.1 or 1.2+) release.

Google protobuf is required. On Debian systems, the protobuf-compiler, libprotobuf-dev, and libprotoc-dev packages can be installed instead.

C components

Install the fstrm library.

tar xvf fstrm-0.1.0.tar.gz
cd fstrm-0.1.0
./configure && make && sudo make install

Install the protobuf-c library. (Do not use the protobuf-c packages from your distribution. They are too old.)

tar xvf protobuf-c-1.0.0-pre.tar.gz
cd protobuf-c-1.0.0-pre
./configure && make && sudo make install

Go components

You may be able to install the needed components with the following command, if your Go environment is already set up:

go get -u -v

Or, the tarball snapshots can be used for all of the Go components.

export GOPATH=~/go
export PATH=~/go/bin:$PATH
cd ~/go
tar xvf golang-dns.tar.gz
tar xvf golang-dnstap.tar.gz
tar xvf golang-framestream.tar.gz
tar xvf golang-goprotobuf.tar.gz
go install -v

You should now have a dnstap utility installed in ~/go/bin.

Unbound with dnstap support

Install Unbound patched with dnstap support. Note that dnstap support must be turned on with a configure parameter and must be enabled at runtime in the unbound.conf file.

tar xvf unbound-1.4.21+dnstap1.tar.gz
cd unbound-1.4.21+dnstap1
./configure --enable-dnstap && make && sudo make install

Download the example unbound.conf file. This config file runs unbound on localhost, port 53053, and enables dnstap output to the socket /tmp/dnstap.sock.

wget -O /tmp/unbound.conf


Run the dnstap utility, listening on the socket /tmp/dnstap.sock and writing binary payload data to /tmp/dnstap.out. Note that this utility does not daemonize.

dnstap -u /tmp/dnstap.sock -w /tmp/dnstap.out

Run the unbound server with the example unbound.conf file. Note that the server won't detach from the terminal and daemonize. Make sure you are using the patched Unbound that was built in the previous step.

unbound -c /tmp/unbound.conf

You should see something like the following output from the unbound server. Note the log output about dnstap:

Feb 11 23:02:42 unbound[19627:0] notice: init module 0: validator
Feb 11 23:02:42 unbound[19627:0] notice: init module 1: iterator
Feb 11 23:02:42 unbound[19627:0] notice: opening dnstap socket /tmp/dnstap.sock
Feb 11 23:02:42 unbound[19627:0] notice: dnstap identity field set to "nanog60-dnstap-demo"
Feb 11 23:02:42 unbound[19627:0] notice: dnstap version field set to "unbound 1.4.21+dnstap1"
Feb 11 23:02:42 unbound[19627:0] notice: dnstap Message/RESOLVER_QUERY enabled
Feb 11 23:02:42 unbound[19627:0] notice: dnstap Message/RESOLVER_RESPONSE enabled
Feb 11 23:02:42 unbound[19627:0] notice: dnstap Message/CLIENT_QUERY enabled
Feb 11 23:02:42 unbound[19627:0] notice: dnstap Message/CLIENT_RESPONSE enabled
Feb 11 23:02:42 unbound[19627:0] notice: dnstap Message/FORWARDER_QUERY enabled
Feb 11 23:02:42 unbound[19627:0] notice: dnstap Message/FORWARDER_RESPONSE enabled
Feb 11 23:02:42 unbound[19627:0] info: start of service (unbound 1.4.21).

Once unbound starts up and connects to the dnstap socket, you should see something like the following output from the dnstap utility:

dnstap: opened input socket /tmp/dnstap.sock
dnstap.FrameStreamSockInput: accepted a socket connection

Send DNS queries to the Unbound server. Make sure the queries are sent to the right server and port. The example unbound.conf listens on, port 53053.

dig -p 53053 @
dig -p 53053 @
dig -p 53053 @

Shut down the Unbound server.

Shut down the dnstap utility.

The file /tmp/dnstap.out now contains dnstap log messages that can be decoded with the dnstap utility.

dnstap -r /tmp/dnstap.out
dnstap -r /tmp/dnstap.out -y

Links to sample dnstap output: quiet text format, YAML text format.